Welcome to my website, GoodFoodGreatDogs.com! I’m Suzanne Smith–AKC Breeder of Merit, award-winning cookbook author, and all-around dog lover.
I’m a writer who has been passionate about dogs since 1967, when my first great dog entered my life. Since then, I’ve loved, fed, bred, groomed, and trained our Standard Schnauzers.
We’ve shown them in conformation dog shows and competed in obedience, rally, and Barn Hunt trials all over the United States. Along the way, we’ve met some truly wonderful dog people who have become good friends.
In addition, I’m passionate about cooking great gourmet meals with healthy ingredients for my husband, my dogs, and me. As a former senior research scientist, I now enjoys tracking down facts about dogs, nutrition, and food.
What better way to combine these interests than by writing about dogs, dog care and training, timely dog topics, and dog food, especially cookbooks with easy healthy gourmet recipes in cookbooks for dogs and their humans?
I write a quarterly column in the prestigious AKC Gazette, too, and I travel to dog shows with our pack of Standard Schnauzers and my husband, Ron (also a great gourmet cook), in a big RV that has room for all of us, including a large kitchen area for us to cook and test recipes even when we’re on the road. I groom all our dogs for the show ring, and Ron handles them to their titles in the show ring and in the performance sports.
This web site, GoodFoodGreatDogs.com, is intended for dog lovers everywhere. You’ll find pages about dogs, dog health, dog shows, and fun activities for you to enjoy with your dog. You’ll see news and current events of interest to dog people—information dog owners need to know about the latest dog food and product recalls, new doggy products, and current safety and health issues. My blog features posts about canine nutrition, recipes for good food for great dogs and their humans, healthy dog care, grooming and grooming products, dog training tips, and entertaining dog stories from my many years as a dog breeder and exhibitor.
Join me on GoodFoodGreatDogs.com, and sign up for my e-mail updates in which I will share some of my best stuff, available only to my special e-mail list—tips, advice, news, dog topics and stories, dog food recipes, great dog-related deals, and special deals on my dog food cookbooks and other cookbooks in both eBook and print form. You’ll also receive by return e-mail my special PDF report 5 Secrets Dog Food Manufacturers Don’t Want You to Know when you sign up. Go to the top of the sidebar on the right-hand side of this page and sign up for my mailing list NOW!
© 2015 Suzanne T. Smith. All rights reserved.